Personal Data

TL;DR I do not collect, store or use any kind of personal data.

Apache Webserver logs connections and page requests, just as every other web server on the rest of the internet does. I do not activly process these, they are only used for diagnostics when something goes wrong and are normally purged automatically after a period of time.

The information in this log is usually the public IP address of the client and the page or resource requested, both of which are required by HTTP or the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol in order to function at all. It does not reveal personal information about you and most of the time will change on a regular basis anyway.

The website and server is scanned on a regular basis for vulerabilities, a public report of this can be found Here.


The site uses cookies, if you decide to partake in the use of the chat. It stores the value 1 and whatever nickname you chose to give it, if you log out the cookie is destroyed.

The re-captcha provided by google also uses a cookie, refer to the following extract relating to googles shady activity on that one.

First, the reCAPTCHA algorithm will check to see if there’s a Google cookie placed on the computer being used. Then, an additional reCAPTCHA-specific cookie will be added to the user’s browser, and a complete snapshot of the user’s browser window at that moment in time will be captured, pixel by pixel. Some of the browser and user information collected at this time includes: All cookies placed by Google over the last 6 months, How many mouse clicks you’ve made on that screen (or touches if on a touch device), The CSS information for that page, The date, The language your browser is set to, Any plug-ins you have installed on the browser, and All Javascript objects It’s because of this personal information collection that the requirement by CalOPPA is triggered and a Privacy Policy is required when reCAPTCHA is integrated.

Android App

The Android app uses the following permissions. next to it is an explanation of its use